TCC follows all components as required by our association with the Healthy Together Victoria’s Achievement program. TCC has been recognised as a Healthy Eating Early Childhood Service and has successfully met all state-wide benchmarks for:
1. Physical Activity and Movement
2. Healthy Eating and Oral Health
3. Sun Protection
4. Tobacco, Alcohol and other Drugs
5. Safe Environments
6. Mental health and Wellbeing
In 2021 our Menus were assessed by Nutrition Australia. The aim of this exceeding consultation was to ensure our menus were compliant with the Victorian menu planning guidelines for long day care services. We were congratulated and received a Certificate of compliance confirming our commitment in ensuring all children have access to fresh fruits and vegetables to help them grown and develop. We look forward to continuing our relationship with the Healthy Eating Advisory Service and Nutrition Australia to ensure our menus continue to promote the health and wellbeing of young children.
Our daily menus reflect healthy nutritional options regarding all food served on the premises, while also being considerate of children’s individual health and dietary needs. Our outdoor environments grow produce (vegetables and herbs) and our newly established Chicken shed harvests eggs daily. We embed these programs into our environments as we believe children learn best when they are active participants in their learning.
We are currently implementing our Nutrition Australia approved 6 week rotating menus. Our Sustainability (inc Nutrition and Active Play) Newsletters below reflects our program initiatives and our commitment to embedding Physical development, Healthy Eating, Oral Health and Sustainability within all of our Early Childhood rooms.
Sustainability, Nutrition and Active Play Newsletters